Fruit Fly Emergency Response Template & Documents

Fruit Fly Information

Fruit flies are a direct and serious threat to New Zealand’s horticulture industry. For this reason, we have developed downloadable Fruit Fly Emergency Response Templates and Documents to assist United Fresh members in the event of fruit fly finds and incursions (see below).

Queensland Fruit Fly
Queensland Fruit Fly

80% of New Zealand’s horticulture crops are susceptible to attack from these fruit flies making fruit and vegetables inedible and posing export restrictions.

Bactrocera Facialis Fruit Fly
Bactrocera Facialis Fruit Fly

Facialis fruit flies can harm home gardens and horticulture crops, in particular, capsicum and chillies. This fly is difficult to catch at the border because it can arrive as eggs or tiny larvae concealed inside fruit.

New version of the MPI Fruit Fly Official Assurance Programme - July 2021

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) releases a new version of the MPI Fruit Fly Official Assurance Programme (OAP) document (Version 2, July 2021) has been released on the MPI website.

The new version of the Fruit Fly OAP document has enhanced clarity on some of the requirements and guidance of the programme. Amendments have been made in Sections 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 4.1, 4.2, Appendix 1 and 2 and Procedure 1 of the document.

Fruit fly host material - Official Assurance Programme

If you need any further clarification, please contact

Official assurance programmes